Danmatic at a glance...
Danmatic was founded by an engineer and a baker. This combination of know-how on both automation technology and the baking process is still the core of our mindset. The taste, ingredients, look and feel of the bread determine the machine, and not the other way around. If you can create it, we can automate it.
We take pride in creating solutions that fit seamlessly into the full dough processing line – and we only consider our job done when the gears are spinning, the crumb is soft, and the crust is perfect.
Product Focus
Standard Equipment
Best In-Class Machines
We manufacture a range of best-in-class machines used by market leading bakeries across the world.
More than 35 machines within automation of baking processes, from bread decoration and makeup, tray handling systems, rye bread lines, conveyer solutions and many other solutions, has been improved and optimized over 30 years and is now available as a Danmatic standard solution.
New Equipment
Automation of Baking
In close cooperation with ambitious bakers, we invent new solutions that move automated baking forward. Danmatic has developed more than 350 new machines for automation of baking in retail- and industrial bakeries.
Turnkey Solutions
Integrated Systems And Expansions
We design and install integrated turnkey production systems and expansions by selecting and combining the best machines on the market in an integrated solution. Eg. from silo to warehouse or a full bread line.
UK Contact
The Ambit Group
Unit 3, Modular Business Park,
Norton Road, Stevenage, SG1 2FZ
t. +44 (0) 0208 367 9131
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Facts and Figures
Danmatic is your partner in moving automated baking forward.
Many Satified Customers
Extensive Know-How And Expertise
The core business for Danmatic is manufacturing our standard machine programme, custom design, project engineering and equipment supplies, including 3rd part equipment and service and maintenance.
Our extensive know-how and expertise make us one of the leading players in the bakery business. We take responsibility for the project from start to finish and ensure that all machines work together in a correct and efficient manner.